Contract Agreement Prevod

3. If the customer returns from the contract, it must be cancelled to the holder. The amount of forfeiture is shown in the contractor`s price list. 5. The contractor and the contractor enter into the contract even though the contractor has accepted the contractor`s proposal to change the terms of the contract. In this case, the new terms of the contract apply. ETYM Latin contractus, von contrahere: cf. The French contract, once also treated. 1. A large number of bridges where the bidder gets points to the game only for the number of points they have offered; SYN. Bridge of the contract. 2) a binding agreement between two or more persons, including an enforceable agreement. 3.

(Bridge) The highest bid is the contract that determines the number of sting points the bidder must make. 1.1. After fulfilling the conditions of Article 1, the contractor undertakes to carry out the work in accordance with the contract and taking into account the agreed language, time and delivery method. 6. Any amendment or revocation of the agreed contractual terms is subject to the agreement of both parties. 4. In the event of a breach of the obligations covered by points 1, 2 and 3) of this article, the owner must pay the owner the EUR 3,000.00 penalty for each infringement surcharge, even if the work has not been properly completed. 1. The terms and conditions of sale form the basis of all contracts concluded by the client and the contractor. 4.

If, within the time limit set for point 3 of this article, the contractor indicates that he does not agree with certain conditions, the contract is concluded only after consultation with the disputed conditions. 2. The contractor and the contractor enter into a contract on the basis of a written order. Legal agreement between two or more parties in which each party agrees to do something. For example, an employment contract is a legal agreement between an employer and an employee and sets the terms of employment. Contracts do not necessarily have to be written; they can be oral contracts. Consumer law, for example, establishes a contract when a commodity is sold. A contract in good shape cannot be applicable if it is concluded under an error, misrepresentation, coercive or inappropriate influence, or if one of the parties is unable to do so (for example. B minors and fools). Illegal contracts are non-admitted, including those to commit a crime or civil injustice, those for trade with the enemy, immoral treaties and trade-limiting treaties. Gambling and betting contracts are also void.

In a contract, each party commits each other to exchange goods or services for compensation. The provision of services on the basis of the contractor`s main activity is the subject of the contract, with an emphasis on translation and interpretation, in accordance with market requirements (hereafter “work”). 3.7. The contractor undertakes to respect the confidentiality of all activities relating to the purpose of the contract and to treat in a strictly confidential manner all material made available by the client. 3.1. The contractor must inform the contractor of the intention to use the work performed. 3.8. The holder is entitled to payment for the entire duration of the interpretation assignment, even if the client does not inhale all the time frames indicated on the market.

5. If the text is to be published or disseminated in any way, the owner must inform the contractor. If the owner does not ask the contractor to verify the texts to be published, the adjudicator`s authority is not entitled to damages if an error is found in the translated text.